Animal Emotions

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So sorry, this course is now closed. Opens again in January of 2025!

Get happier animals who thrive with humans!

When I opened the first version of the Animal Emotions course back in April of 2016, I had no idea what I was setting in motion. I was simply utterly captivated and intrigued by the world of animal emotions and enthusiastically wanted to share and discuss it with others. So I summarized all I had learned in a nifty little online course, excitedly gushing: look everybody, how fascinating!! 🤓

I remember being completely stunned by one of the comments I received within the first few weeks of course delivery:

“Karolina, where have you beeeeeeeen?!”

That was a pivotal moment, when I first realized that the Animal Emotions course was not only fascinating, but that it actually massively transforms people’s lives.

“This course has changed my life… not only because I became a better trainer and leader, mostly because I became a better person. Thank You (Emilia Czechowicz) 

Since then, I’ve given this course once a year (except 2021), and thousands of students, from 46 countries, have taken it.

I keep revising it, and they keep coming back again and again – some students have enrolled in the Animal Emotions course no less than six (!) times!

“There’s only 2 courses I’ve ever signed up for twice, and they are both yours!” (Oliver Ringrose)
How will the Animal emotions course change your life – and that of your animal?

“Animal Emotions” will help you develop a better relationship with animals in your care. The course helps you understand behaviour and how emotional experiences impact personality, brain development and social skills.

You’ll learn how to get happier animals that thrive in the care of humans.

“This course has forever changed how I behave with my animals” (Tina Kolhammar)
Who is this course for?
  • This course is for you if you’re a pet guardian interested in learning more about what makes your animal tick. Most of my students are dog- and horse people, but I’ve also had students interested in cats, birds, rodents, rabbits, farm animals, and exotic species.
  • This course is for you if you work professionally with animals. Many of my students are animal trainers, veterinarians or caregivers in zoos or animal shelters. If you’re one of those people who like theoretical discussions about animal behaviour and learning, there’s a nerd section in every module.
“It’s been several years since I learned so much new, useful and relevant stuff in ONE course.” (Bettina Hvidemose)
What are people saying about Animal Emotions?

For many students, the course transforms their life with animals. Here are some voices:

  • “Thank you for this course, it is, without question, far superior to any course I have participated in to date.” (Candice Milliard)
  • “I can honestly say that this course has changed my life. I have even changed my Master’s thesis subject because of it… This course has changed me and my dog’s welfare for the better, and I never even thought that it needed improvement.” (Madicken Åkerman)
  • “This has been a life-changing course. Its relevance and importance to my work as a dog/animal trainer is immeasurable.” (Karen West)
  • “The Animal Emotions course is a must for everyone interested in the welfare of animals!” (Andrea Wiesner)
  • “This course was so much more than I expected! … I kind of knew what works in dog training, but now I know why!” (Birgitte Pletscher)
  • “Most definitely the BEST and most relevant online course I have taken. Heartfelt thanks.” (Alison Parker-Jervis)
  • “I have taken part in many online courses and none compare to this in terms of presentation, content and, very importantly, interaction. I actually feel that you are engaged and present, and that my fellow students are around as well. This is not easy to achieve but you have nailed it!” (Francesca Woodburn)
“This course is a must for all dog trainers within my field – behaviour modification” (Jenny Afvander) 
How is this online course delivered?
  • Once you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to the first module. The other 9 modules will be released weekly from the 26th of January, once admissions have closed.
  • This course makes the most out of the online format by using micro-learning: the content videos are short and actionable (2-10 minutes long).
  • The course modules are prerecorded and you can watch the videos anytime.
  • There are 10 modules (~110 videos) in the course, and the videos have a running time of about 10 hours in total; there’s also numerous links and written resources that tend to lead students down different rabbit holes. Many students return again and again to the videos, links and discussions, revisiting the material, so estimating “how long the course is” is difficult.
  • All videos are subtitled in English – this makes it easier for the many non-native English speakers among the students.
  • There are some voluntary practical exercises and thought-provoking questions, as well as voluntary self-assessment questions in each module.
  • Many students will take an active part in this course and help shape it! This peer-to-peer learning in the comments’ section is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of this course!
  • There are written summaries and audio files that you can download and keep.
  • You have access to the course for a full year after purchase.
  • If you have use of Continued Educational Units, people are typically awarded 10 CEUS for this course. Let us know which organization you’re associated with!
  • After you finish, you get a certificate of completion and a banner that you can display on your website.
“I thought that this course would be a nice review of my ethological studies – but it has really broadened my perspective on animals!” (Ann-Sofie Sandell)
Course details.

What we’ll cover in this course:

  • Why understanding emotions is important when caring for animals.
  • The Core Affect Space model, that helps map and illustrate animals’ emotions, sensations and motivations, long-lasting mood states, and how well-being ties into the mix.
  • CARE – a core emotion involved in caregiving behaviour, which impacts offsprings’ personality development and stress sensitivity. We can also tap into this system through gentle touch.
  • GRIEF – a core emotion involved in social separations. This module of the course highlights the importance of a good nurturing environment.
  • PLAY – a core emotion involved in playful social interactions. One of the most influential systems, and one that’s often ignored – or condescendingly laughed at.
  • LUST – a core emotion involved in mate seeking and sexual behaviour. We’ll discuss brains versus bodies, gender differences and mate choice.
  • SEEKING – a core emotion involved in exploration, foraging and all other emotional systems – and with tremendous effects on learning.
  • FEAR – a core emotion with huge impact on behaviour, mainly through fear learning, sensitization, performance impairment and the risk of defensive aggression.
  • RAGE – a core emotion triggered by frustration, restraint or perceived inescapable dangers – rendering the animal potentially dangerous.
  • We’ll also cover some of the history of the study of emotions, as well as polyvagal theory, guilt, how emotional experiences are affected by predictability and control, as well as how they impact relationships, etc.
  • Most of the examples from this course (>99%) will be from mammals and birds. We simply don’t know that much about emotions in reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates (although they are, by definition, also animals!)
“I have taken many clinics, classes, presentations and read many books on training, Learning Theory and behavior from many experts in the field. You have become my absolute go-to for my own learning but also I recommend you far and wide!” (Gail Buhl)

Find the course outline below. The modules are released with weekly intervals.

Oh, there’s also a “Managing LUST” chapter in module 5… 😉
“This module was very helpful for me and the work I do helping cats with behavioural issues.” (Regina on the SEEKING module)
  • I will host two live Q&A webinars where I address your questions, in person. If you miss them, don’t worry – they’ll be recorded!
  • Access to a private Facebook Group where we can discuss, share and connect.

When you become a student, you’ll be getting weekly emails while the course is being delivered. I’ll also keep you posted on my other free webinars, masterclasses, silly experiments, online courses and blog posts!

“I don’t think I have taken part in any form of education that has been delivered with as much skill as this.” (Gordon Gill)
Frequently asked questions.
  • “How do I get the most out of the course?”

By engaging in discussions, sharing your own thoughts and reflecting on the questions asked – the content comes alive in the comments’ section!

  • “What is the price?”

The cost of the Animal Emotions course is US$ 247:-.
Local VAT will be added if you are within the EU.

  • “Is it worth it?”

Many of my previous students attest that they have found this course transformational – it has forever changed how they interact with animals. Also, as far as I know, this material isn’t taught at this level of depth anywhere else.

  • “Is there a scholarship program?”

Yes, there is, but unfortunately, that opportunity is closed now.

  • “What if I change my mind?”

This course comes with a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. So, don’t look at joining this course like a risk!

Rather, it’s an opportunity. You can access more than half the content – at no cost! Yes, I have enough confidence in the qualities of this course to encourage you to test it, access 6 out of 10 modules – and not pay anything if you feel it’s not right for you.


The next opportunity to join the Animal Emotions course will be in January of 2025.

“This course has turned my thinking around. I’ll be making some fundamental changes in my behavior medicine course for vet students thanks to it.” (Noa Harell)

31 Replies to “Animal Emotions”

  1. Hi, afraid I can’t commit this year but next year is the one.
    Please keep me updated on all your courses
    Thank you

    1. Hi Joy, as long as you’re signed up to the Newsletter, you should get all the course information! *see* you next year, then! 🙂

  2. Hi ,I am a single mum who had breast cancer and is now looking for different direction ,to enjoy my life looking after animals and help owns !!
    Please can I pay by installment ??

  3. Hi Karolina, I have a horse and a pony and they struggle terribly with overarousal when I train them using food. It’s low value food and I’ve been working really hard to overcome the problem but to no avail. I’ve lost my mojo for training them sadly. Might this course help me with this issue?

    1. Hi Jenny, actually in the SEEKING module I do discuss over-arousal in horses… otherwise this course is not so training-related (in contrast to my other courses). YOu might also find the Getting Behaviour course interesting 🙂

      However, the Getting Behaviour course is always available and the Animal Emotions one only in January, so if you’re hesitant which one to choose I would start with the Animal Emotions one…

      1. Thanks for pointing out your other course to me, it looks great. I would love to do them both, but I can’t afford to take both at the moment unfortunately. I think I will save up for the Getting Behaviour course and will take the emotions course next year if you run it again.

  4. Dear Karolina
    A huge thank you for the free course. I was transfixed and watched all 4 videos within 24 hours, which is very unusual for me as I have a very limited concentration span. I found you so easy to watch and to listen to; you explain concepts in a clear way and have a very friendly smile.

    I will save up and take your course next year please. Finances don’t allow it, this year, with the increased cost of living and high fuel bills. But I look forward to reading the blogs etc. in the meantime.

    I have a much loved rescue dog who was treated very badly by his previous owners and left in their house to starve when they moved out. After 4 years he still suffers from separation anxiety, even when I just pop out to the shops for a short time. He has come along way and I will do anything I can to help him feel safe. He follows me everywhere and is so loving, but is reactive to other dogs until he knows them well. He also has a high prey drive as he is a lurcher, so I have been on my face in the mud a few times when he spots a squirrel/rabbit/cat before I do!

    Thank you again. I watched the videos with Fred, my dog, next to me on the sofa and he watched too! Take care and I look forward to learning more next year. Jan

  5. I have so enjoyed the mini-course – as others have commented, you are very easy to watch and listen to and the content is so helpful. Also like others, I think the full course will have to wait until next year although I am still dithering a bit as the emotional component of living with animals is so, so important!

    1. Thanks Pip, so glad that you enjoyed the mini-course! Looking forward to *seeing* you again next year, then! 🙂

  6. Thank you so much for the free minicourse. I wish so much to enroll the full Masterclass to learn much more and really it is not that expencive for a Masterclass, but still I cannot afford it because I have stop working.
    I now have 8 dogs of my own (3 puppies) and I spend a lot of my time educating dog trainers (for free) among other things about emotions and way to work together with you dog. So I have talked about your minicourse and you Masterclass hoping to inspire a lot of dog trainers to take interest in the importance of respecting animal emotions and to learn more about animal emotions.
    Hope to learn a lot more

    1. Hi Anette, so glad you enjoyed the course! Hopefully you’ll keep enjoying the free stuff that I put out there! 🙂

  7. I would love to do this course, but unfortunately money is tight with the cost of living in the UK at the moment so will hopefully be in a better place next year. The mini free course in itself was so informative so thank you x

  8. Thank you for offering these 4 free videos. Anyone owning a pet or offering services in the pet/animal industry would benefit from watching them. And although prevention is always a better and easier path, no one person can control the environment or the actions of others or the individual pet’s emotional response. Where some pets have mastered bounce back from scary situations, others struggle. Increasing the tools to help those that struggle is always a welcomed addition.

  9. I would love to do your course. Unfortunately I’ve had orthopaedic operations so I’m not working at the moment. I hopefully will be back working and will have the spare cash for your fantastic course.

  10. I donno how I got here, but here’s another page without the “login” or “my courses”.
    I need to delete from my browser’s memory all those pages, as adding the right one to favourits doesn’t prevent me from getting lost in the cyber matrix 😀

    1. Thanks! We’re planning for a complete overhaul of the web pages, hopefully those problems will go away then! 🙂

  11. I am working my way through the course. So interesting! Thank you!
    I like to also print material to follow and reference later. Do I just print the module summaries at the beginning of each module?

    1. Yes, the summaries are both in the beginning and end of each module – it’s the same document! 🙂

  12. I heard about this course while doing a PORTL stage with Mary Hunter in Geneva. How do I get on the waiting List ? I heard many great things about you.

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