Advanced Animal Training 2023

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This course opens for admission between April 18th and April 25th! 💗

Ready to take your animal training to the next level? Here’s how!
  • Do you have a full-blown or at least a semi-developed nerdy interest in animal behaviour, learning and training?
  • Do you feel like you’ve mastered the basics of animal training, and it’s time to move on?
  • Have you heard of terms like  “start buttons behaviours”, “do as I do”, “concept training”, and “loopy training” – but don’t quite know what they’re about?
  • Are you curious about how latent inhibition, blocking, overshadowing, learned irrelevance, keep-going signals, non-reward markers, end-of-session signals, stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination will impact your animal’s learning and the outcome of your training?
  • Are you committed to using ethical, gentle and fun ways to get enthusiastic and willing learners?

Keep reading – this is for you!

“I have started many courses without completing them. However, now I was so engrossed in the material, I couldn’t stop. This course has left me feeling more empowered as a trainer and thirsting for more knowledge. There are SO many things I am thinking and doing differently!”
– Dale Rudin

There are many introductory animal training courses out there, and if you’ve attended some of those, you’ve likely learned about positive reinforcement.

Clicker training, perhaps.

At some point after that initial exposure to animal training, many people get bitten by the training bug. You too, maybe?

Training opened up a new dimension of communication with your animal, and you became obsessed with learning more. 

And at some point you plateaued and became frustrated, because let’s face it, most of the available courses are introductory.

“here’s how to walk your dog on a leash”. 

“here’s how to start clicker training your horse”. 

“here’s how to teach your parrot to step up”. 

Sigh. Where’s the challenge?

“I’ve enjoyed this course more than most courses I’ve attended, I’m sort of mindblown! I wish it would continue every week the rest of my life! ❤️Especially now! Thank you so much! ❤️
– Eva-Lynn Karstensen

I can relate.

I made that journey, too.

I’m an associate professor
of ethology with a somewhat
obsessive interest in
animal behaviour,
learning and training.

I had a pressing need to learn more on this topic – I still do. In the last 20 or so years, I’ve attended more than 60 international animal training courses, conferences and seminars, learning from some of the best contemporary animal trainers in the world.

And I created the Advanced Animal Training course so that you don’t have to.

I distilled all that nerdy, sciency stuff related to animal training into one online course.

I’m a proponent of training based on positive reinforcement, creating joyful interactions, harmonious relationships and empowered learners.

Advanced Animal Training fills your toolbox to help you understand the intricacies of behaviour even better, and is all about encouraging, communicating and motivating the animal to exhibit desired behaviour.

Advanced Animal Training is not a problem solving course and doesn’t discuss how to prevent and address undesired behaviour in any great detail (I cover that topic in another course, that’s why!).

“I honestly think that your courses should be made compulsory for anyone who works with animals, as they are full of valuable information”
– Hannah Ruess

How will the advanced Animal training course change your life- and that of your animal?
  • You’ll become more confident as a trainer.
  • You’ll be able to watch another trainer and analyze what they’re doing in nerdy detail.
  • You’ll rethink how you interact with your spouse and children. And everyone else. You’ll find yourself watching how other people interact with each other, and nodding to yourself in recognition.
  • You’ll find a tribe of equally obsessive – and helpful – training geeks in our online community.

“Sometimes you get stuck in your training- there is a high probability you will find the reason why within the Advanced Animal Training course🤩
– Andrea Wiesner

Who is this course for?

This course is for you if:

  • you have a passionate interest in animal behaviour, learning and training. 
  • you are ready to take your training to the next level.

What I’m getting at is that this course is not for beginner trainers. You don’t have to have that much practical experience, but you should have a working knowledge of basic theoretical concepts related to operant learning and classical conditioning. If you feel like maybe you’re not there yet, you may want to check out this foundational course instead!

“It is not a course for the fainthearted, Karolina warns that it is ‘dense’, and indeed it was – exactly what I was looking for. I feel that my knowledge and understanding of the processes and procedures of training have increased exponentially during this course. I cannot recommend it highly enough
– Alison Parker Jervis

How is this online course delivered?
  • Once you sign up, you’ll get immediate access to the introductory review module. The other main 9 modules will become accessible with weekly intervals once course enrollment closes – so full course access to all the material happens after 9 weeks.
  • This course makes the most out of the online format by using micro-learning: the content videos are short and actionable (most are 5-15 minutes long).
  • The course modules are prerecorded and you can watch the videos anytime.
  • There are 10 modules ( ̴ 130 videos) in the course, and they have a running time of about 17 hours in total; there’s also numerous carefully selected links and written resources that tend to lead students down different rabbit holes. Many students return again and again to the videos, links and discussions, revisiting the material, so estimating “how long the course takes to finish” is difficult.
  • All videos are subtitled in English – this makes it easier for the many non-native English speakers among the students.
  • There are some voluntary practical exercises (each module contains a practical challenge) and thought-provoking questions.
  • There are voluntary self-assessment quizzes for each of the main modules (only compulsory if you require CEUs, see below!).
  • Many students will take an active part in this course and help shape it! This peer-to-peer learning in the comments’ section is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of this course!
  • There are written summaries and audio files that you can download and keep.
  • You have access to the course for an entire year after purchase.
  • You’ll be invited to a secret Facebook Group, where you can connect, share and discuss with other animal lovers – with continued lifetime access!
  • If you have use of Continued Educational Units, the IAABC and the PPAB give 17 CEUs for this course. Let me know if you need any other organization’s CEUs!
  • After you finish, you get a certificate of completion and a banner that you can proudly display on your website.

“I recommend this course to everyone I know who works with training animals. It gives so many different, new, important and absolutely necessary aspects, if you want to interact with animals – whether it be living with animals, training or problem solving”
– Britt Balle

Course details

This course builds on my course Getting Behaviour – the foundations of animal training, although it’s not a prerequisite to have attended it.

“I have done a lot of courses over the years and I don’t think I have learned as many different perspectives as I did with this one.  Thank you again and I will certainly be recommending this course to my colleagues!
– Debra Millikan


I’m super excited about the bonus material for this course: I managed to secure short interviews with nine world-leading animal trainers on a specific topic, one for each module:

  • Module 1 – Bob Bailey (know your animal)
  • Module 2 – Jenifer Zeligs (intermediate bridges) 
  • Module 3 – Chirag Patel (the bucket game)
  • Module 4 – Judy Luther (trust-centered training)
  • Module 5 – Jesus Rosalez-Ruiz (poisoned cues)
  • Module 6 – Ken Ramirez (the modern principles of shaping)
  • Module 7 – Kathy Sdao (the Premack principle)
  • Module 8 – Susan Friedman (the cultural fog)
  • Module 9 – Eva Bertilsson (who-does-what-when, and flow charts)

When you become a student, you’ll be getting weekly emails while the course is being delivered. I’ll also keep you posted on my other free webinars, masterclasses, silly experiments, online courses and blog posts!

“The thing that was so amazing with how Karolina teaches, is that the information sneaks up on you, and suddenly you use your new knowledge, without even realizing. This course has changed a lot of my everyday behaviours, and made me a better animal trainer, without me even trying”
– Madicken Åkerman

Frequently Asked Questions
  • “How do I get the most out of the course?”

By engaging in discussions and in the practical challenges. Even though the course is delivered over 9 weeks, you have a full year to finish it – there’s no rush! Some of my previous students consider this course almost like an encyclopedia – and they return to some of the different topics several times. Indeed, some of my students have bought this course up to five times, in order to get access to the new iteration even after the old course expires!

  • “Is it worth it?”

If you’ve been bitten by the training bug, this course should keep you satisfied (and away from expensive international conferences) for years to come.

  • “Is there a scholarship program?”

Yes, there was, but unfortunately it is now closed for the 2023 AAT course.

  • “Will it work for me?”

This is an Advanced Course. If you’re a beginner, probably not. If you’re a nerd, it’s a smorgasbord. Something for everyone!

Don’t gorge.

Pick one topic. Digest. Come back for more.

  • “But I’m interested in dogs/horses/cats/parrots – wouldn’t I be better off taking a dog/horse/cat/parrot training course?”

This may sound counter intuitive, but you’ll actually become a better dog trainer (or horse/cat/parrot trainer) by learning more about how to address and solve the challenges involved in training other animal species. This requires flexibility, which is one of the most important qualities in a great trainer.

  • “Hmmmmm… I notice there’s a whole module about Negative Reinforcement in this course. I’m committed to Positive Reinforcement and am concerned about the inclusion of this topic in a course that claims to use ‘ethical, gentle and fun ways to teach animals’?”

I totally understand where you’re coming from, believe me – and we’re in full agreement! Just to be clear: the animal’s joy, empowerment and quality of life is my top priority, and a harmonious human-animal relationship is tremendously important. But despite our best intentions, unwitting R- mechanisms might be at play – and we should learn to recognize them.

I do not teach R- to beginner trainers, but in a course claiming to teach Advanced Animal Training, it’s an important topic and I would even consider it negligent of me to omit it. So yes, this is a controversial and potentially uncomfortable module, but previous students still thought it was interesting. Here’s what some of them said:

  • Alison: This is so complex and fascinating. I have listened to this about 3 times and then I had to sit and write notes in order to assimilate it… still mulling it over. Brilliant! (Chapter 2)
  • Kristin: This is one of my favorite chapters so far. I learned a bunch! It’s on my “will return to many times” list (chapter 6)
  • Susan: Just when I think I only use positive reinforcement, and only help my dog succeed with enthusiasm, you show us a subtlety that we are missing. Thank you!
  • Cynthia: I absolutely love this module for many reasons. One reason is that no matter how much we want to use R+ only, we are going to use R- whether we realize it or not. But the best part of the lectures, or one of the many best parts (!), is information on how to use it in the least intrusive way possible. Also, the idea of transitioning R- trainers AND their animals to R+. Also I’m much more aware now of watching for inadvertent R-. Thanks SO much for this very informative and very important module.
  • Anna: I anticipated being bored in this module. I was like, “I’m not interested in intentionally using methods that could be considered aversive by my animals and I know the definition of Negative Reinforcement”. I was so sure about that. But, I actually have to say this was my favorite module.
  • “What if I change my mind?”

If you sign up and later feel that this course is not for you, there’s a 30-day refund policy. You’ll get your money back – guaranteed! This means that you can actually get free access to more than half the course content, since 6 modules are released by day 30.

  • “I feel uncomfortable buying a course unseen – is there a sample available anywhere?”

Yes, three of the chapters have been published on my blog, Good Trainer Habits, The Modern Principles of Shaping and Matching Law.

  • “Wow, sounds great, but I don’t have time for this right now. When is the next opportunity to join?”

The 2023 version of the course is closed, and the next opportunity to join the Advanced Animal Training course will be in April of 2024.

The cost of this transformational Advanced Animal Training Course is US$ 447:- plus local taxes.

Perhaps I’ll *see* you in 2024? Meanwhile, if you want to get notified about other courses – and when this one is about to re-open, sign up below and I’ll keep you posted. I’ll also let you know about blog posts, webinars and other things I might be up to – all related to animal behaviour, learning and quality of life.

Enjoying this course so much that it’s hard to move away from. I’ve found it to be extremely thought provoking and exciting at the same time, thank you for taking us to the higher level and allowing us to think beyond. It’s rare to find courses that bring thought and conversation to this level – I’ve been searching for that next level to interact with and finally found it!
– Jan Harkner-Abbs

28 Replies to “Advanced Animal Training 2023”

    1. No worries Nikki – the IAABC and the PPAB give 17 CEUs for this course. Let me know if you need any other organization’s CEUs!

    1. Hi Bodil, I’ll ask Tobias to get back to you on this, he’s on top of the CEUs! 🙂

  1. Hi,
    Just wanted to query about the advanced animal training course. At the end, do you get a certificate that is accredited and recognised by the Dept of education or is it a certificate of completion/ attendance?
    Thank you.

  2. Hi I am a volunteer at CBS dog training and would like to sign up for the Advanced Animal Training Course.

    1. Hi Cyndy, just click the button saying “click here to join” and you’ll be taken to the checkout page! 🙂

  3. Hello
    The course looks excellent!
    I’m part pf a small team of dedicated dog training instructors who train pet dog owners at a dog training club in the UK. We would all like to do the course together but can only afford one registration, so our plan is that one of us will register and then we will meet to go through the materials together. We think we’ll get a lot out of discussing the materials as we go along and can talk about how best to apply our learnings to our training classes.
    We have a couple of questions:
    1) Will it be possible for the person who registers to share the materials with the rest of the team (i.e. share them electronically) or will we have to meet in person in order for everyone to see them?
    2) Will it be possible for the completion certificate to be made out in the name of our training team as a whole rather than the name of the individual who registers initially?
    Thanks very much for your help. We’re really looking forward to doing the course.
    Best wishes,

    1. Hi Julia,

      Glad to hear that you find the Advanced Animal Training course interesting!

      As you may have seen, I prepare a lot of educational content, such as blog post, webinars, mini-training series, Masterclasses or e-books.

      Most of them free of charge.

      But I do sell extensive online courses, too, where I go into a lot more detail than I ever could in my free resources – and in fact, those paid courses are what give me the time and opportunity of preparing so much free content.

      The price for my courses are set for individuals, not groups. I keep my prices very low in comparison with many other extensive online animal training courses in order to make it possible for as many people as possible to attend. That being said, I fully understand that not everyone can afford them, and that is why I also offer full scholarships every year. Certificates are individual.

      Of course, I won’t be able to control or even know how much people share my work with non-students, but simply have to trust that they share general ideas and concepts rather than login details.

      I realize this is not what you were hoping to hear, but while the Masterclass was free for all, the AAT course is not. I would advise your group to keep looking at my other free content, read the blog posts and apply for scholarships for my paid courses, or perhaps plan for the budget to accommodate this course next year. Hope this helps!

      1. Hello Karolina

        Thanks so much for your swift and helpful reply. Much appreciated. We definitely weren’t going to share around the login details which we understood would be for one person but just wondered about sharing the resources. I do understand the situation and am grateful for the clarification. We will certainly continue to look at your free materials which are always very thought-provoking and mind-expanding. One of us may still register and do the course individually and then – as you say – share the concepts and general learnings with the rest of the team. I’ll discuss it with everyone and then we’ll decide on the best option for us.
        Thanks again,

        1. Hi again Julia, sounds great! Perhaps I’ll *see* one of you in the course, then! 🙂

  4. I really loved the masterclass! I would like to join the full training program, But.. I’ve just retired and don’t have the economy for it. So sadly I can’t. Thank you very much!

  5. First and foremost, my young Icelandic horse five years old. We are just beginning our journey together. And second the seven other horses in the stable. All trained oldschool and not with much positive reinforcement.
    I’ve owened and trained several dogs and horses in the past. Now I’m trying to lead by example and communicate what I’m learning to other horseowners about R+ I like to show my fellow friends that there is so much more to gain if we give voice and shoice to the animals we love.
    If the scholarship landed in my lap so to speak it would make All the differens! I have lot of time but very little money (just retired from working as a preschoolteacher) I’d like to nerd in as much as possible about animal learning. Hoppfullt doning less misstankes goding forward. Best regards, Lorina

  6. Hi Karolina, thank you for the Masterclass, I found it very interesting and thought provoking!
    I am a VSA certified dog trainer and I would love to expand my knowledge and learn more!
    I saw that you also have courses in animal emotions and resolving challenging behaviour (later on) which also sound amazing! Unfortunately I won’t be able to afford all of them… which out of the 3 courses do you think might be more appropriate to my circumstances? Having already attended VSA (which has been an amazing journey) I’m wondering which course would give me a more in depth and comprehensive understanding and improve my training skills.
    Thank you! 🙂

    1. So glad you enjoyed the Masterclass, Zaira! I’d say it all depends on your interests and background – I don’t know exactly what Victoria Stilwell covers in her Academy, so I’d suggest that you read through the course content sections of the different courses to see which sparks your interest! AAT is for people interested in levelling up their animal training skills, AE goes deeper on the topic of animals’ happiness and wellbeing, and RCB is for people who specifically need to deal with unwanted behaviour.

      Not sure this helps…? 🙂

      1. Thank you for your reply Karolina! Difficult choice as they all look really, really interesting! I have however just signed up for this one 😊
        I look so forward to it!!

        1. Oh, great – welcome! If you feel it wasn’t quite what you expected you can always ask for a refund within 30 days..! 🙂

  7. I cannot find a way to emphasize this enough: this is the best-structured course with the most practical information I have ever taken in my entire life. From the very first video, I had to pause and put into practice the theoretical concepts, which I must confess, by the time I reached module two, simply overwhelmed me, and I had to spend a lot of time digesting them in order to turn them into practical skills. I truly want to thank you for this course. I would love for it to be available in Spanish for trainers in Latin America, as I believe that the benefit of taking a course at this level could mean a transition from the darkness we experience in Latin America in terms of available information on training… not to mention advanced training! By the way, I volunteer to subtitle the course completely free of charge.

    1. You just made my day, Pablo! Thanks so much – means so lot to hear!

      Thank you also for your very kind and generous offer – I’ll have to think about this. Will get back to you!

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