After you finish your course

Certificate and Banner

Once you have finished your course you are entitled to a course completion certificate and a homepage banner.

To get the certificate and banner (and CEUs if applicable, see below) you must have finalized all course modules and been active (written at least ten comments) in the discussions on the course pages or the Facebook group linked to your course.

Send a screen shot of the completed course to with your request for a certificate and banner.

If you finished the course, the green progress bar will be filled – we need a screenshot of that showing at least 90% completion..! 🙂

We handle the requests in batch to make the process more efficient; please allow up to two weeks to get your certificate and banner.

certificates look like this:
These are the flat banners:
Or if you prefer Square Banners:
CEU/CPD points

We also grant CEU/CPD-points from organizations who distribute them for free or a small fee, such as the IAABC and PPAB:

  • Animal Emotions – 10 points
  • Getting Behaviour – 13 points
  • Advanced Animal Training – 17 points
  • Resolving Challenging Behaviour – 8-25 points (depending on whether you’re a trainer or behaviourist, and which organization you belong to)

To get the CEUs you must have

  • finalized all course modules, and
  • been active (written at least ten comments) in the discussions on the course pages or the Facebook group, and
  • passed the self-assessments.

Just send a screen shot of the completed course to with your request for your organization’s CEU-points. If relevant, also let us know your registration number with the organization.

Again, please allow up to two weeks to get your CEU-points. If we haven’t already applied for CEUs with your organization it might even take longer…