Advanced Animal Training Scholarships

This Scholarship Program is based on the honor system.

I offer a lot of free resources to help pet owners and animal professionals get happier animals that are reasonably well behaved and thrive with people.

But some of my courses are paid.  These paid courses constitute my living and fund the production of my free courses and all the other free educational content that I create. I’m really grateful to host a global audience, and I’m acutely aware of the vast range of economic realities that my audience is facing – especially in these dire times.

So, I’m offering a number of scholarships – I don’t want financial constraints to limit people’s access to this information!

This Advanced Animal Training Scholarship program is based on the honor system. Please, only submit an entry for a potential scholarship if it’s truly needs-based. I’m entrusting you — on your honor — to apply for a scholarship because without it, taking the course would not be financially possible right now.

In my selection efforts, I’ll strive to focus on finding candidates that can somehow make an impact in their community – among animals and people. So, check out the details below, and get to it. 🙂

The Advanced Animal Training Scholarship Program.

What it is: Complimentary access to the Advanced Animal Training course.

How to be considered: Read the following questions and post your answer in the comments below.

Make sure your response is 250 words or less.

  1. Where do you live?
  2. How many animals would directly or indirectly benefit from your taking the course?
  3. Do you do any animal-related teaching?
  4. If admission to the Advanced Animal Training course landed in your lap, how would it help you, the animals in your care or your community? What difference would it make to you and the animals and people around you?
Everything You Need to Know
  • You apply with a written comment below. Yes, it must be public. No email entries will count.
  • Answer the four questions above.
  • Limit your word count to 250 – longer applications will be disqualified. If you’re unsure of whether you’re at the limit, count them here. 
  • I’ll award a number of scholarship seats. A specific number is not predetermined.
  • The entry deadline for this scholarship is Tuesday, April 23d at midnight PDT, and the recipients will be notified the next day.  
  • No purchase is necessary to receive a scholarship.
  • I’m the judge and my decision is subjective and final.
  • Remember: I’m looking for heart, compassion, drive and the ability to follow directions. Show me how this course will help you  create meaningful change.

I can’t wait to see your entry!

ps – when you write your entry, it might not become visible immediately – you might just be brought to the top of the page.  No worries, the comment is in limbo waiting for approval, which should occur within 12 hours. If it’s been more than 15 hours and you still don’t see it, let me know!

45 Replies to “Advanced Animal Training Scholarships”

  1. So sorry Karolina, just now I realized I was over the word count limit.

    1. I am from Brazil, but moved to Germany 2 years ago in search quality of life and security.
    2. I don’t know precisely how many, but since I will hopefully open my business next year, I would say a lot. But first, my own dog would benefit from new tools for husbandry and noise phobia training and our relationship will improve.By helping him I would have also more practical tools to experience in real life.
    3. My goal is to be able to work with separation anxiety and noise phobia cases online. When I moved to Germany I found out that I could not work, even though I have done a separation anxiety certification with Julie Naismith, because the profession here is regulated. Since then, I am not only having to learn German, but also do an Ausbildung for dog trainer. The theory part I have already finished (18 months), but I still need to finish the shadowing (130 hours) and a practical test at the Veterinary Office.
    4. This course would make a lot of a difference for me to be able to finally help dogs and for me to understand more about behavior. I would be able to work together with shelters in order to help recently adopted dogs and also work with cases online in Brazil and in other poor countries too.

  2. 1. Hi, my name is Delaney Kelm! I’m a recent graduate of a wildlife biology and conservation program from Ontario, Canada.

    2. Currently I work with about 40 raptors. Training is my passion, so I plan to stay in the field long term and hope to apply all that I learn to every animal I meet.

    3. I work at a small educational facility that teaches both school groups and the public about raptors and the nature around them.

    4. The facility I work at is small with very little funding and working here is more about the passion then the financial rewards, so money is tight. But as the world of raptor training shifts from more traditional and forced participation methods to more choice and control methods, I am eager to keep up and stay current with the most advanced training techniques. My facility is on the beginning stages of starting a new style of educational programming that we hope will inspire the public that attend. This new style of programming is going to be new and exciting but also challenging so I’m hoping to find as many resources and educational outlets as possible that I can to set my myself up for success and provide high welfare to the birds I’m working with. I’m hoping with the help of your course, that I can elevate my training techniques to continue to make an impact and inspire our community with our educational ambassador raptors.

    Thanks for your consideration!

  3. Hello and thank you for providing scholarships. I live in the US, in Oregon. Along with helping my own dog, I believe at least 500 dogs over the next 5 years would directly or indirectly benefit from my taking this course. I operate a small dog-training business with a current client base of about 40. I believe this course would benefit by filling in the gaps in my current knowledge and practices, and I think that would have a ripple effect through my clients and their dogs, my colleagues, veterinary contacts, and other similar pet-related businesses. I am an avid learner and constantly seeking to expand and/or adjust my education and skills to improve the lives of all the people and dogs with whom I work.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  4. Hi Karolina, again me, 26 year old horse nerd Merima. I was thinking a lot should I write again since you gifted me with a scholarship for a foundations animal course and I don’t want to be insatiable and rude. But just like you said I’m bitten by the training bug and I’m obsessed with learning more especially now when I have so much scientific knowledge from the first course and great results with horses and clients. I’m so curious to see your views and advice on R- because it’s impossible to not use whether we realize it or not (at least a small amount-I trained a horse that was under a lot of pressure from my gaze and I could see signs of relaxation when I looked away). I’m working with young and I’m restarting traumatised horses and because of that I became fascia releaser since all the negative emotions and trauma become trapped in the fascia. I’m into my equine massage therapy certification, orthopedics assessment techniques and biomechanics since there are no professionals, even vets, here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a small country in the Balkans where I’m living and working. I’m a horse behaviour consultant but pain was a huge reason why the horses couldn’t live happily. That therapeutic path is extremely difficult and very expensive so here I am writing again to you with a lot of hope and shame because you already gave me a scholarship for a foundation animal course.

  5. I live near Oxford UK
    My family and I run a farm animal sanctuary with rescued cows sheep pigs horses ponies mules donkeys and turkeys as well as our own dogs and cats
    We have many visitors, children and adults, who we teach about the animals and are often asked for help with training I have done a dog training course and we train all our animals with positive reinforcement. I am very impressed with and fascinated by the information you have shared and would love to do your course
    Money however is tight as the Sanctuary takes a lot to keep viable.

  6. I’m from the south coast of England. I qualified as a vet in the summer of 2022 and quickly found I had a passion for working with those animals that are terrified of the vets. I’ve made it my mission to understand how to make the experience as un-aversive and, dare I say, enjoyable as possible for every patient; I don’t currently teach but aim one day to create educational material for other veterinary professionals to improve the experience for as many animals as can be reached. I’d also like to promote and teach cooperative care to pet guardians. Currently I see up to 30 animals per day, equating to hundreds per week and thousands per year that would directly benefit from me taking this course; and would hope to indirectly reach even more if I were to achieve my goals of creating educational content. At this stage I don’t yet feel qualified to teach others but if this course were to land in my lap I would use it to broaden my knowledge, increase my skillset and bolster my confidence in applying what I’ve found in practice to share with others, with the ultimate goal of empowering animals and their care providers. I hope it could help me to create better understanding of when animals are trying to communicate fear and discomfort; and how to make a veterinary consult or an at-home treatment into more of a consensual conversation with the patient.

  7. 1. Blaine, Washington

    2. Directly- the 2 dogs/owners I’m currently coaching. Indirectly, I consider large-since I’m involved with many dog/animal, well-being circles. I believe every dog and pet owner I come in contact with that I share knowledge with will benefit.

    3. I’m a dog trainer, (crossover…P+ now) I volunteer at the local Humane Society, & with a foster-based animal rescue. Also a pet sitter w/ Trusted Housesitters International. I train dogs in my residential community, as well as at the rescue, where I work with/train the foster dogs, along with client dogs. I gather many word of mouth referrals, and meet people easily. I enjoy watching guardians get excited over developing a bond with their dog. I’m passionate about sharing the sciencey nuances…in a relatable way- bringing compassion, awareness and understanding to the canine/guardian relationship. Learning behavioral concepts lights up my heart and I know is my passion to share.

    4. Due to financial constraints at this time in my life, I’ve been out of work from my flight attendant job- from a work injury. While recovering, participating in this course would provide me the opportunity to learn advanced concepts I’m so eager to put into practice- enriching the well being of canines & owners I work with. I would be incredibly grateful and honored to learn from you- also giving me the confidence to apply for a dog trainer position at a local enrichment, daycare, and training facility.

    I appreciate your consideration-

  8. Hello, I’m Jessica Beck from Salt Spring Island, BC. As a professional dog trainer, I’ve spent years working closely with about 350 dogs each year, mainly working with trauma and fear-based behaviors. This year, I’m taking a new turn in my career, focusing on animal assisted therapy for both people and their dogs. Plus, I’m nearly done writing a book on canine trauma.

    Why am I eager for the Animal Emotions course? It’s simple. I want to understand the dogs I work with on a deeper level. This course would give me fresh insights and strategies to support the emotional well-being of these amazing animals. I’m all about using kind, empathetic methods, and I believe this course could really sharpen my skills.

    I’m active online and offline, sharing tips and advice with over 700 members on Facebook and writing for publications like Pet Connection. The knowledge from this course would not just help me; it would ripple out to all these people and their pets. I aim to create a community where everyone is clued up on the emotional lives of dogs, moving away from outdated training methods.

    Getting this scholarship would be a big deal for me. It’s about more than just learning; it’s about bringing change to how people relate to their dogs. I’ve always believed that the more we understand about what our dogs feel, the better we can care for them. And Karolina’s course is the perfect next step in this journey.

    Thank you for considering me for this opportunity. I’m excited about the chance to grow and help others do the same.

  9. 1. Western Canada
    2. My own animals(dog, cat, and horse) as well as being able to help my family with their animals and my friends with their horses.
    3. I have done a little bit here and there with friends horses, but I am working towards gaining more experience and taking more courses and certifications to help develop more confidence in my knowledge and gain an even deeper understanding of things as I work towards building a social media presence and eventually branching out to my local community and eventually would like to be a certified behavior consultant.
    4. I live in a very traditional horse community with very few science-based trainers who understand animal behavior, psychology and learning. This course would help further my own learning and help bring more understanding of science based training to the community. There is a lot of horses and owners in my area that would benefit from more science based trainers to help with behavior modification, understanding how our animals learn and feel about things we’re doing with them. I want to be able to help teach others how to work with their own animals without coercion, force or fear and build the relationship and communication they desire that is fun and enjoyable for both human and animal. I hope to be able to challenge the traditional training and be a part of creating positive change in the industry.

  10. Hi from Canada!

    I coach handlers and their canine partners at a volunteer-run nonprofit service dog organization. With credentials from training academies and having engaged in various learning initiatives, I highly value ongoing education and skill development. Participating in the Advanced Animal Training course would represent a pivotal opportunity for personal and professional growth.

    By gaining admission to the course, I anticipate acquiring knowledge and insights that will deepen my understanding of animal learning and behavior. This will equip me to teach teams with increased creativity and effectiveness, provide superior training for service dogs, and foster mutually beneficial bonds between humans and animals. Ultimately, participating in the Advanced Animal Training course will enable me to better support the many teams I mentor, both in person and virtually, across Canada and the USA, and make a positive contribution to the assistance dog community.

    Currently, this course is not financially feasible, as resources are currently directed towards funding the operations of the nonprofit organization and volunteering my time as an instructor. I recognize the importance of investing in quality education from reputable sources, and I eagerly await the opportunity to participate in your paid classes when circumstances permit. I am happy to provide further information and references via email.

    Karolina, thank you for generously providing the opportunity for a scholarship. I wish all applicants the best of luck with their submissions. Learning from you and the other industry professionals you’ve interviewed is sure to be a transformative journey for everyone involved!

  11. My name is Joy and I am a horse trainer who lives in the United States. I recently moved to Tennessee and am working towards building a horse training, and rehabilitation center at my farm. My goal is to be able to help horses to heal, both physically and mentally and to provide sanctuary for horses in need. Being able to watch horses find their joy and empowerment again is truly my most favorite thing. Once I have the facilities capable of hosting the public, I want to bring the local horse community together for free educational opportunities. In the area I live in, many of the training methods used are harsh and mostly come from a place of not understanding the science of behaviorism well. Teaching is my passion, and I love helping people just as much as I love helping horses. It is my hope to be able to bring people from different communities and training styles together and to share the knowledge and training that I have. The amount of animals that could benefit from my taking this course is immeasurable; not only for my own horses, but those of my clients, future clients, and the surrounding community and public that I will be working with. I am certain the knowledge that I learn from this course will carry over for countless years to come. It would be an absolutely honor and such a gift to be able to attend your course. Thank you for your consideration.

  12. 1. UK
    2. I currently work with about 20 horses in live sessions and around 40 horses online but there is the potential for a lot more as I am just starting out in my new role.
    3. I am a Connection Training Coach (qualified January 2024) which is a global online training programme for all equines and their owners focusing on positive reinforcement training. I have been an equine coach since 1984 but my methods have changed since I discovered Connection Training 7 years ago. I am also a British Horse Society Level IV Accredited Coach. The BHS are a little behind the times in their training methods and I am hoping to do more to raise awareness.
    4. Having studied the Animal Emotions Course I feel that there is so much more to learn and this course would give me a greater understanding of the science behind the emotions and behaviours exhibited by equines. I have a MSc in Equine Studies and like training methods that are scientific and evidence based as it gives much greater credibility to the training. I am already implementing knowledge learned in the first course in my coaching and study groups and I feel that with a greater understanding this will only increase and benefit so many more equines. I am also a nerd and very excited about delving deeper into topics that I just don’t have the knowledge in yet. I would love to be considered for the Scholarship.

  13. I live in Norfolk, uk and have started helping people with dogs locally by setting up free group walks where we both support each other and I give advice for free. I offer affordable 1-1 training walks alongside for those needing more help. I have a Boxer who became scared of people after covid lockdowns and scared of dogs from being attacked when I attended a training session in the middle of lockdowns , I have worked hard to help him and now want to help others in similar situations who like me can’t afford a qualified behaviourist. This is a new buisness alongside my work and I now use my knowledge at a local rescue kennels to help dogs there too. These dogs arrive with various issues and it’s amazing to be able to volunteer to help as many dogs as I can. So the amount of dogs I could potentially help will increase with the more knowledge and understanding I have. As I mainly offer my time for free which I will continue to do, I do not have the funds for this course. My dream is to be able to just help dogs be understood and help owners build the bond with them.

    So I hope you will concider me for the scholarship. I have enjoyed all of these videos along with various talks I’ve watched and listened to through some free seminars and I would love to learn more. Thankyou for the opportunity!

  14. 1. I live in Denmark.
    2. I have one dog, but is a volunteer, teaches for free in a local dog club. There are maybe 200 participants, but I only teach a few of them. I hope I can bring my new knowledge to the other volunteers.
    3. I’m an examination in dog teaching and volunteer at the dogclub. Then I teach mental stimulation for dogs, trying to build their confidence. Which is why I think this course would be most important and helpful to me.
    4. If I’m the lucky one. It will give me the ballast and knowledge to help the dogs I’m around now. And the confidence to actually do so, because I have the right tools.
    I hope it will open other doors to be working even more with dogs. Maybe I’ll get in front of the line to be working with dogs, if I had the education. And maybe I can help the people around the dogs better understand and make it easier to help a dog in need of treatment og going to the wet.
    The more you learn the les you know, but the more you want to seek knowledge.
    I hope this will open new doors for knowledge and more work with dogs. Thank you.

  15. – Where do you live? The Netherlands
    – How many animals would directly or indirectly benefit from your taking the course? My own dog + the dogs I help through my training
    – Do you do any animal-related teaching? I do some dog behavior guidance in my spare time, started mij dog behavior consulting business in the summer of ’23.
    – If admission to the Advanced Animal Training course landed in your lap, how would it help you, the animals in your care or your community? What difference would it make to you and the animals and people around you? I have been schooled focussing mainly on the communication and needs of the dog. Meeting the dogs needs before anything else, and observing the dogs bodylanguage to make an estimated guess about how the dog is feeling in certain contexts. This is something I try to teach my clients too, helping the dogs in this way to have better welfare. I think I can improve greatly around the animal training, which feels a bit like ‘working on the other end’, the difference it would make for me is that it probably would also help me describe better what is happening to the owners as currently I feel i can feel and observe it myself but translating it to the owners is a whole different concept!

  16. I am a dog trainer living in Wakefield, Quebec, Canada. I teach many people, their dogs and puppies using R+ to teach skills in local group classes and one on one as well. I am passionate about helping people understand their dogs behavioral issues, learn about consent, learn about ethical treatment of animals, learn to read and understand their dogs better etc..I am a GEEK!!! I continue to follow trainers like yourself and I continue to learn from all of you. I have really benefited from your detailed teachings, and could put this course to good use, sharing what I learn with my clients and with my community as well in the form of free information. I find many people are struggling financially, and with information overload these days and they can benefit from sound, free advice.

    I share teaching information with a rescue group, foster families and have an ongoing free group class where we have fun with the dogs, while we work on skills and behavior. Following your course would continue to benefit me helping my own dog and dogs here in my community and dogs and their guardians I reach online.

    Addressing behavioural issues using a compassionate approach with the client and their dog can enhance confidence and change the lives of many. I do not have sufficient funds to pay for this wonderful course and would be over the moon to receive a scholarship.

  17. 1. Alberta, Canada
    2. 2 dogs and 2 cats directly, likely more in the future
    3. I have a 3.5 yo Doberman/Cane Corso mix, he is the most loving dog. He is not very confident, and more recently that has led to fear reactions towards larger breed dogs, he needs space which potentially puts us in dangerous situations if walking. I am not a dog trainer outside of my animals at this point.
    4. I want a deeper understanding of the psychology and how to help him at a deeper level, not just with “coercive” techniques as you mentioned in video 3 ( which is a commonly taught “solution”) but how to truly help him feel more secure and content in this world. He has some health issues, which make for regular vet trips and I hope to one day be able to take him to the vet and not have to worry about what other dogs he will meet along the way because he has grown and knows that he is safe. We have worked with consent since he was a puppy as he has had to have medication, which he gives a start button for (I did not realize that until I watched video 1) we have worked with trainers, and I have read many books all with helpful information, but no true understanding as to the why and that understanding is what I believe will help me truly help him, not just give him coping skills.

  18. Thank you for the oportunity.
    I want to help horses and ridders; I am from Uruguay, where city people are not very respected in the country side, where horses are treated without knoledge and with force.
    I Chemist, learned Ethology and Science of Behaviour and much more, but still need to be more prepared to be able to spread knowledge. I want to go to schools, to radios, and even to TV, spreading different ways of teaching Horses (or any animal).
    i bought two courses of you and will do the spetember one, solving challenging behaviours. I have a sort of Sactuary, since i rescue horses, cats and dogs! i have 35 horses who i take care of in a beautifull place. But..since i left most of my Chemist work to work on my mission of helping horses in all the country (world if i can!!) it is being very hard to be able to pay courses as well as buying them food and medicine!
    Please, i would love, and feel it will help me to me more respected as a speacher, if i have also de Advanced Animal Trainner Formation. I assume the compromise of SPREADING BETTER WAYS OF TEACHING AND BEING WITH ANIMALS!

  19. 1. I live in a small town on the outskirts of Durban South Africa.
    2. I run a small dog training school in my town with currently 15 students who are mostly pet dog owners with little or no exposure to dog training methods other than trainers that are on television. The size of my community and my contact with people and their dogs in various local dog parks, as well as my own training, enables contact with many more on a more unstructured level.
    3. I train my own dogs to compete in field trials and have achieved some success using positive, force free methods. Most of my clients are pet owners who require more understanding of their dogs on an emotional and behavioural level. I also help them teach their dogs how to better fit into their lifestyles. This is done via group training and also with private one-on-one consultations and lessons.
    4. I have completed courses in basic animal behaviour modification and much of my knowledge about training over the years has been gained by self-motivated study either online or by reading and training my own dogs. As part of my teaching I combine practical training methods with explaining not only the “How” but also the Why”. I love teaching my students about animal emotions, body language and how to develop a relationship with their dogs. All this requires a deeper dive into the “geeky” stuff, which I hope to gain from your course.

  20. I live in Finland and I am certified (in Finnish school system) animal trainer, but dying to know more and at the same time wanting to understand more what I have already heard and learned (but not yet put it all together). I interact with about 50 dogs / week, but I would like to reach more and the same time help more those in need.
    I teach mostly nosework now, but I want to expand my knowledge on animal behavior and by that wanted to help families with behavioral problems in order to upgrade their welfare (people and animal). I think I have learned a lot all ready but somehow the deeper understanding is missing. I am little timid to help since I feel that I don’t know enough about issues in hand. I am also trying to set up a new way to help animals in veterinary care by training them before going to the vet (start button behaviors etc) but also concentrating about the vet clinic environments and therefore I feel that I need to know more in order to act as a professional dog welfare consult. I think this is the way that I could use my knowledge best at the moment. I have attended your animal emotions course (three times already) and feel that your way of teaching suits me like a glove 🙂

  21. I live in Australia. I am a pet dog trainer, detection dog handler and a K9 Search and Rescue handler and trainer, so apart from my own 5 dogs, three of which are my detection dogs and a SAR dog, I would be able to help many clients and their dogs to get the best possible results too. If I was lucky enough to be given a scholarship, I would be able to understand the theory behind the behavior’s and training, which I do struggle with at times, and then be able to pass that learning on to the humans and the dogs in a much more concise way than I currently do. The difference it would make would be astronomical, I think it would enable me to be a much better trainer/handler and to cause less confusion for the dogs, and results would be, happier better understood dogs and handlers. It’s a win win situation. Thank you so much for considering me.

  22. Hi there

    I live in Belgium. I recently started my own dog behavior consulting business. I also volunteer at my local dog school and i am a ginormous dog and behavior nerd. I adore geeking out about this stuff.
    By taking this course I aspire to bring even more tools with me during my classes and consultations. I not only want to teach people what to do, but really inspire them by explaining what is happening. Why thing work or don’t work. My biggest goal is to help people understand and become critical thinkers and advocates for their dog because they understand. They know what is going on behind the exercises and advice they read or hear. I’m positive this will not only affect the dogs I work with directly (50 or so at our dog school) but will ripple out as a wave, inspiring others to learn more.
    This course would provide me with a strong and deep foundation of the more advanced concepts. Allowing me to teach these things to others in a way that’s practical and understandable. My goal is to empower not just the dogs through ethical, positive training but also their handlers. Giving the handlers the tools to understand their dogs and help them cope with a world that’s not adjusted to them. As a passionate behavior nerd I also love spreading my knowledge to my friend, colleague and anyone remotely interested, so to let the ripple grow and make waves of empowerment together.

  23. I live in southern Sweden and have trained dogs since the 80’s, with different schools during the years. Neither of the schools talked about emotions. Unfortunately most trainers still don’t. They label the dog with adjectives and often blame the owner for not being alpha enough.

    I’ve been a teacher for young and adult students since the 80’s, but it wasn’t until 2019 I began to study learning theory in dog training.

    I have three dogs and a cat, and family and friends have dogs, cats, horses and farm animals.

    Together with my colleague I run a business since 2022. We give positive, force free classes from puppy to hunting dog. I have two instructor certificates in obedience and retrieving with positive reinforcement. We are looked upon as ridiculous meatball bribers by others, especially in the hunting retriever, spaniel and HPR-world. In their world corrections and no food rewards are the only way to train a hunting dog. Very often the dogs display learned helplessness, but it’s labelled “will to please”.

    Now, when I know better I want to do better and help owners train their dogs with force free methods and positive reinforcement. It’s 2024 and about time we understand that training by fear is outdated.

    I already take your course Animal emotions, and coming autumn I will stop working as a teacher to fully engage in our business and develop in dog training. The income will of course be less, but I’m certain this is my path.

  24. Hello, I am living in Germany with my 6-year-old mixbreed. I just finished my training to become a professional dog trainer, and I am planing to start my business in this field this year and have started working with my friends and their dogs. I have already learned so much about dogs, training them and training their humans, but especially the field of positive reinforcement based training is sadly not so prevalent in my social circles. That is why i am yearning for every opportunity to learn more in this area and connect to other people who in real life use these methods to work with animals (and their humans).
    Another thing very dear to my heart is to make dog training accessible to as many people as possible. I know for myself how it is to not have much money, and I think economic barriers are not what should keep people from getting support with their dogs, if they need and want it, so I plan on organizing my future-business in a way that makes dog training available for people of different economic and social backgrounds and the scholarship definitely would help me doing this. Also I started volunteering in the field of animal shelters, where many people in my area don’t use positive reinforcement methods to work with the dogs, but rely heavily on punishment.

  25. 1. Schenectady, NY
    2. Countless, I hope!
    3. Yes, I am a Fear-Free Certified Trainer and currently offer group classes, private lessons, and day training for dogs.
    4. I would be immensely grateful for the opportunity. In addition to being a trainer and fostering dogs/cats, I am on the Board of a local rescue and strive to create comprehensive resources for fosters and other animal caregivers in these environments. It is also my hope to put together free and low-cost resources to help dogs and their families live a harmonious life together and reduce the percentage of dogs being rehomed due to a lack of training support. This is in addition to the paid dog training programs and services I intend to build on as I gain more knowledge and skill.

  26. Hello, I live in UK, Oxfordshire. I have 2 dogs of my own and have 7 dog walks a week (gun dogs) which comes to walking around 30 dogs. I also volunteer in puppy classes where numbers vary from 4-7 puppies in each class, so roughly it is about 37 dogs directly. My walks include teaching few things, like recall, sit on cue, touch and making sure dogs know their names. During puppy classes I help with variety of things and it includes helping people with new tasks their learn. I’m a bit obsessed with learning and since discovering positive reinforcement training I have urge to learn more. Under guidance of my mentor Tash Clarke and thanks to her encouragement, I have two very happy dogs with which the whole family have a great connection. It is especially important since my child has autism and ADHD. I am passionate about all the science based articles, books on dogs communication and behaviour and love talking to people about it. My happiest moments are those where you can see people being very excited when shown method worked and their dog is eager to learn more from them. I think this scholarship would help me to feel more confident and provide me with great tools to be able to work more professionally with dogs and their families.

  27. 1. I live in Mendoza, Argentina.
    2. Two horses, four dogs and two cats would benefit directly from me taking the Advanced Animal Training course. Indirectly, about 20 horses and 20 dogs would benefit.
    3. I give occasional counsel in horse and dog related problem solving and help owners to train their own animals.
    4. If I was granted the admission to the course, it would help me to get my training on a next level where I would feel confident to start offering animal training related education to the public. The animals in my care would benefit greatly as they would feel better heard and understood and I could adjust my behavior and their living arrangements accordingly. Also, they wouldn’t have to suffer from my training mistakes. The local (rural) community would benefit as through me they would have access to R+ training which normally is out of their reach due to economic, cultural and language barriers. Persons who use horses and mules for work (with cows and land) would be able to train and treat their animals ethically and without violence. Children would get an alternative way of connecting to animals. Women, who in general are afraid of horses here, could relate to them in a safe way. Local animals would be happier and healthier as the cruel, utility based view of animals would start to dissolve. Dogs would be beaten less. In pursuing this, the course would be the best thing that could happen to me.

  28. 1. I live in Ulvila, Finland.
    2. Impossible to say, but many. I am very active in the dog circles. I train a friends dog at the moment, hopefully we will compete in aqility with him and i also take care of peoples dogs while they are away.
    3. I teach aqility in a local club at the moment and i have been asked to possibly start working in a dog training academy. I am taking a couple courses of dog training in a public university at the moment and hopefully i will work with dogs in the future.
    4. This course wouldn’t be possible for me without the scholarship. I have been home without a job for three years now and on top of that my dog has several health issues which is expensive especially for a big dog as we all know. So this would help me go forward with my dog training and help me get that job at the training academy. It would help me understand my dog better as she doesn’t really show signs of pain that easily and can be a bit difficult to read. I really would need to understand her better so i can take better care of her and that would ease my stress level so much. So this would help in so many ways and affect so many dogs and people.

  29. I live in Texas in the United States. I have 5 animals of my own, 3 horses, a dog and a cat (as well as two teen boys who I occasionally jokingly refer to as animals LOL.) I also have a modest but not insignificant following on Facebook (personal, professional and a FB group I run) with a great deal of interaction. The group even started because people wanted to follow the training work I do with my horses. Potentially, thousands of animals could be impacted from my taking the course.

    I’ve been teaching about horses in particular, but also other animals, for many years. I actually teach how they communicate with us through behavior and neuroscience as well as intuition. I teach via stories, photographs and videos but also via in person sessions. Most of my horses in the last 8 years have been non-ridden so I have done extensive personal study of their behavior.

    I’ve been looking at animal behavior courses for years and just haven’t had the funds for them. I read one of the chapters and watched one of the videos and LOVE your teaching style. This would be such a good fit for me. It will deepen and strengthen my own knowledge and teaching, but most importantly it will positively impact every single animal I touch, whether directly or indirectly. I would be so tremendously grateful to be considered for your scholarship for this program. Thank you for offering it.

  30. I am Harlean and I live in South Africa.
    I do not officially train animals or owners, but have been trying to convert my dog parlour to more gentle and consent based methods.
    After getting a diploma in animal behaviour I realized I also need to become a better trainer and better at communicating methods and processes to owners.
    Gromming is so stressfull to so many dogs and it does not have to be. I am grasping at anything and everything to help me on this journey.
    My current process is perhaps too long and tedious and owner compliance is very poor. Perhaps if I get better, have more resources, and I can present better options I can reach the owners of the approximately 200 dogs that visit us monthly, and together we can improve their dog’s experiences.

  31. 1. Cape Town, South Africa

    2. Literally hundreds. From her direct students, to students at the training school we both attend, to people we see on our daily walks who are exposed to our wonderfully-behaved dogs that are trained humanely and ethically – one of her (and our) goals is to represent humane training as attainable and accessible, so that more pet owners can benefit from well-adjusted dogs that can enjoy an enriched life.

    3. Yes, she is a puppy trainer and trains all levels of obedience and competes in/trains in different disciplines such as field trials, ringcraft, nosework, working trials, tracking, companion dog.

    4. On top of all the training she does (and she often provides free training), Nerina also visits old age homes and orphanages with one of her flatcoat retrievers. This course will provide her with even more knowledge and skills to enrich peoples’ lives and help other people (such as myself) equip their dogs to do the same. The more people and dogs she can train humanely, the more of them can live much more enriched and happy lives. Instead of being confined to a backyard because they pull on the leash or jump on people, Nerina’s help will ensure her students can teach their dog essential life skills and make them part of their family. I would just love to be able to see my very dear friend soar even higher and contribute even more to the urban dog world we inhabit.

  32. I’m applying for a scholarship on behalf of a wonderful friend of mine who is an absolutely incredible trainer. She is so incredibly generous with her time and skills, and I would love for her to have access to this outstanding course.

    Where do you live? Cape Town, South Africa

    How many animals would directly or indirectly benefit from your taking the course? Literally hundreds. From her direct students, to students at the training school we both attend, to people we see on our daily walks who are exposed to our wonderfully-behaved dogs that are trained humanely and ethically – one of her (and our) goals is to represent humane training as attainable and accessible, so that more pet owners can benefit from well-adjusted dogs that can enjoy an enriched life.

    Do you do any animal-related teaching? Yes, she is a puppy trainer and trains all levels of obedience and competes in/trains in different disciplines such as field trials, ringcraft, nosework, working trials, tracking, companion dog.

    If admission to the Advanced Animal Training course landed in your lap, how would it help you, the animals in your care or your community? What difference would it make to you and the animals and people around you? On top of all the training she does (and she often provides free training), Nerina also visits old age homes and orphanages with one of her flatcoat retrievers. This course will provide her with even more knowledge and skills to enrich peoples’ lives and help other people (such as myself) equip their dogs to do the same. Visiting vulnerable members of society is such a selfless thing to do. This course will also bolster her professional credentials and allow her to grow her business even more. The more people and dogs she can train humanely, the more of them can live much more enriched and happy lives. Instead of being confined to a backyard because they pull on the leash or jump on people, Nerina’s help will ensure her students can teach their dog essential life skills and make them part of their family. I would just love to be able to see my very dear friend soar even higher and contribute even more to the urban dog world we inhabit.

  33. Hello Karolina

    I reside in a small village in Switzerland.

    With my dog training business currently on hold, taking the Advanced Animal Training course would benefit the one dog and one horse in my care directly. Additionally, it would positively impact the animals of my future clients, potentially around 50 per year, as I help them train and care for their pets more effectively.

    I teach mandatory classes for beginners to introduce them to responsible pet ownership and basic training techniques. I also instruct nosework classes, where dogs learn to use their natural scenting abilities, promoting mental stimulation and focus. These sessions foster a harmonious relationship between owners and their pets.

    Admission to the Advanced Animal Training course would enhance my ability to provide top-tier training and care for the animals in my life. It would benefit my dog and horse through better training methods and welfare. Upon restarting my dog training business, the course would empower me to offer more advanced and effective training to my clients, promoting responsible pet ownership in the community. This opportunity would also allow me to expand my nosework classes with more specific techniques, enriching the lives of the animals I teach. Overall, it would have a meaningful impact on the lives of the animals and people I interact with.

    Thank you for considering my application.

  34. I live in a little village, Himanka, at the west coast of Finland. I am a small animal veterinarian with a further education in behavioural medicine.

    I work at an occupational school, where I run a normal small animal clinic, which offers nursing students practical experience.
    I see hundreds of patients a year and since 2010 I am one of the few vets in Finland offering behaviour consultations.

    My work includes teaching nurses, animal trainers at our school ( and some others). Additionally I lecture regularly veterinary students at the University Helsinki on topics related to animal behaviour.

    Now I am responsible for a new course for advanced animal trainers focusing on problematic behaviour in dogs. But I have a deep interest in equine behaviour as well and I am lecturing across Finland on equine welfare especially related to handling and cognition. My equine lecture is part of a course at the Odysee University as well.

    Due to very difficult life circumstances my own education especially related to precise and advanced training methods has been on hold for several years. Now I feel very pressured to get updated.

    Beeing able to participate in this course would give me more confidence and ideas for my teaching and new ideas for my own behaviour clients as well.

    I am hopping this will enable me to offer more practical teaching at out school as well (eg work shops).

  35. Hello! I am from B.C. Canada!

    I have a small list of two clients as I go through the process of setting up my business coaching/training horses. I am hoping to gain more knowledge as my client base grows. My own two horses would also directly benefit from the knowledge I hope to attain on my journey through gaining accreditation through iaabc, hcbc, and beyond.

    Over the past five years I’ve gotten into positive reinforcement with my own horse and in the last year begun to offer my services to a few awesome clients! I have also been working on building a social media presence to spread awareness for equine welfare. I have a strong focus on creating safe spaces for neurodivergent and lgbtq+ equestrians as well. I am just beginning to create resources through my art and hope to offer online coaching in the future.

    I hope by seeking accreditation I’m able to help others begin the journey I had taken largely alone when it comes to R+ and science based training. I have some amazing people in my corner now that I wish I had known starting out. I’ve handled hundreds of horses in my career so far and I wish to help many more as I go. It’s taken me several years to realize I want to begin the process of more ethical reformation in the equestrian sport from the inside out. Not just for myself or clients but to spread accessible educational content through social media.

  36. 1..South-Africa
    2.I am a trainer by profession and work with alot of dogs on a daily basis ,approximately 10-20 per day.
    3.Do y
    Yes some courses,but due to exchange rates it is hard to do courses outside of my country. I love understanding the intricate science behind animals and how they learn,It’s my passion and life purpose to help them and their guardians Live a better quality of life.This course would expand my knowledge and skill to be a better trainer,thus enabling me to help more families.

  37. Hi Karolina!
    I am a dog trainer in England, working towards becoming a behaviourist. I train plenty of puppies each year, getting them off to a positive start, but also spend much of my time working with dogs with anxieties and fearful behaviours. I understand just how exhausting and anxiety provoking this is for their humans also as I have a rescue dog myself who has extreme reactions. Supporting him is why I needed to learn all about dogs.
    I take an empathic training approach for the dogs and humans alike as we are all struggling in our own ways.
    Your Masterclass explained things in a new way that I haven’t yet come across in any study, or through the behaviourist or two vet behaviourists I have worked with on my own dog. It made sense as to how blocking and overshadowing is restricting his personal progress. This not only helps me to start moving forwards with him but will also apply to all the other dogs I work with daily. Having a specific personal interest in rescue dogs with unknown histories, the process of learning and effects of prior trauma is especially relevant on how to support them to move them forwards with feeling safe. I loved the (bamboozling!) deep dive into classical conditioning and negative reinforcement and would like to really get to grips with it in a detailed way to help me to support others to understand and improve their relationships and support for their dogs .

  38. 1. I am from Brazil, but moved to Germany 2 years ago in search of better quality of life, safeness and also a place that my dog could be happier.
    2. I don’t know precisely how many, but since I will hopefully open my business next year and I intend to work on the field for a very long time, I would say a lot. But first, my own dog would benefit from new tools for husbandry and noise phobia training and our relationship will improve. I will be able to help him better to predict triggers, manage the environment and see him as a complex living being that needs to be seen in holistic way. All of this started with my own dog, since he has separation anxiety, reactivity and also noise phobia. By helping him I would have also more practical tools to experience in real life.
    3. My goal is to be able to work with separation anxiety and noise phobia cases online. When I moved to Germany I found out that I could not work with this, even though I have done a separation anxiety certification with Julie Naismith, because the profession here is regulated. Since then, I am not only having to learn German, but also do an Ausbildung for dog trainer. The theory part I have already finished (18 months), but I still need to finish the shadowing (130 hours) and a practical test at the Veterinary Office. I need to present papers that I finished the Ausbildung according to the Welfare law number 11, shadowing, courses and theory and practical test. So, because of this, I am still not working, since I have to study so many hours a day to not only be able to learn a new language, but also a new occupation.
    4. This course would make a lot of a difference for me to be able to finally help dogs and for me to understand more about behavior. I would be able to work together with shelters in order to help recently adopted dogs who are struggling to adjust to the new life and understand more about what they are trying to say and also work with cases online in Brazil and in other poor countries too.
    I am amazed by this course, because it has most of the things I now struggle with and it will for sure make me a better trainer. Thank you for the opportunity of learning a bit from you, even if just in the Masterclass. 🙂

  39. I am in Brooklyn, WI, USA.

    My business is new, but I have ten regular clients, each with at least 1-2 horses and some with more, plus my own two horses. I also work with vets and farriers to try to show them kinder, easier alternatives they may not be aware of for handling and training, and am starting to get referrals from the veterinarians and farriers I’ve talked to.

    Yes, see above. 🙂

    I highly value the ability to see something from as many perspectives as possible. I appreciate seeing how the information is organized, as well as how it’s physically presented in the videos, what graphics and animations are used. Seeing that modeled helps me find various ways to present things to my clients. I would like to bring more awareness to educational opportunities out there for horse people. I have also been the recipient of extreme generosity in other areas of my life, and want to put that back out into the world by helping others, which could be writing more in-depth posts on social media, writing articles using resources I’ve already developed in addition to creating further resources based on information I’ve gained from this course, and live demos or speaking engagements. Lastly, I’m considering applying for the CHBC credential with the IAABC, and feel this course would be advantageous for that endeavor as well.

  40. I am a dog trainer in San Jose, CA, USA. Hundreds of dogs & their humans every year would directly benefit from my taking your course. Because I love to teach dogs as well as teach people about dog behavior and communication, my students and clients gain a new understanding of not only their own dogs, but dogs in general, which benefits all of the dogs they come into contact with in their daily lives and their community overall.

    I teach group classes for a private company and the Humane Society, so I am able to reach people in a wide geographic area. And, through the Humane Society’s Community Outreach program, I also teach training classes for formerly unhoused people to help them remain in permanent housing with their dogs.

    I have been wanting to update my skills and knowledge and this course would help me do that. I am so fortunate to go out into my community and teach classes that directly impact people’s lives. I love teaching humans as much as I love teaching dogs! The best part for me is when my students and clients tell me that they have learned so much, that I made the training fun for them and their dog, and that they felt supported by me when they were struggling. It makes my heart full to know that I can use my knowledge and skills to make such a huge difference in my community.

  41. Hi, my name ist Kathrin, living in Germany. I try my best with my english 🙂
    I´m a dog physiotherapist, a “restarting” dog trainer and a dog & cat mom of 4 beloved ones with chronical illness. In my job as a dog physiotherapist I see the need of more good dog trainers. I have worked as a dog trainer a couple of years ago, but then put my focus on the therapy-part. In the last 2 -3 years I felt: I wanna go back to the dog training but being better. Being better then I was before, but also being better – for the dogs! – than some other dog trainers out there.
    I´m sure your course would help me for this plan, my “heart-project”. So I´m sure there will be a lot of animals getting benefit from the knowledge you teach – in the dog training but also in my therapy job!
    I see a lot of people and their dogs which are in need. We do need more knowledge outthere! And I would love to be part of the solution!
    I´m sure your course it worth the costs! Because of my 2 really ill dogs, I need to check on the costs. One of them will need a surgery this year. So, here I am, asking for a scholarship.
    Beside that: thx for your free masterclass!
    Greetings from Germany,

  42. 1.Kumla, Örebro län, Sweden, jag studerar fortfarande.
    2.Alla sällskapshundar i Örebro län och kanske hela Sverige om min idé fungerar.
    3.Mitt intresse har blivit att hjälpa sällskapshundar med hundmötesproblem, separationsångest mm jag vill ge deras förare verktyg för att hundarna ska få bättre liv. Jag träffar alla och sen får de en grupptillhörighet där de testar olika träningsmetoder som bygger på goda tränigsmetoder. Grupptillhörigheten är gratis och de kan träna avstånd till andra hundar och utvecklas i deras egen takt.
    4. Jag vill kunna bli bättre på att förklara för vanliga hundägare om hur vi kan träna på ett sätt där vi gör det av kärlek. Eftersom jag nu utbildar mig har jag mött många projektpar som dominerar och pratar om rangording, ledarskap, de rycker i kopplen och jag vet inte allt. Jag behöver bli mycket duktigare på att förklara varför det är bättre att göra på ett annat sätt och vad deras metoder ger för skador. Jag har lärt mig jättemycket av dig Karolina och jag önskar att jag kunde förklara på ett bättre sätt. Jag har precis börjat med att förstå saker som är självklara och jag tänker att jag vill lära mig mycket mer för att göra livet bättre för så många hundar som möjligt. Jag är djupt oroad över många hundars ensamhet och att man ser på problematiken som att hunden äger problemet. När fakta är att vi människor helt bestämmer över våra hundars liv. Jag hoppas på en bättre framtid för alla hundar.

  43. NOrge – Jeg er “hundestudent” på heltid for å forhåpentligvis kunne bli hundetrener i fremtiden. Jeg driver mye frivillig arbeid med hund og ser hvordan jeg selv har lært feil trening med gamle myter tidligere og forsøker å hjelpe alle snu dette så alle hunder kan leve et liv uten stort stress og frykt. Jeg skriver også små artikler til hundemedlemsblad og i grupper for frykt fri håndtering. Jeg elsker å lære og håper å få delta selv om jeg ikke kan få det til økonomisk. Jeg ønsker å dele informasjon i blogg på min nettside og FB samt med mennesker jeg er i direkte kontakt med. Jeg er oppdretter og har kull ca hvert 2 år. Har 4 hunder i alder 5 mnd til 9 år hvor livet har blitt mye bedre etter jeg har lært hvordan trene hund og hvordan stress påvirker dem fysisk. Jeg har et stort hjerte for hund og eierene deres, og ønsker å fortelle alle om dette fantastiske livet de faktisk kan leve med oss. Jeg trenger verktøyet til å forklare hvordan og hvorfor. Tusen takk. Håper jeg får delta.

  44. 1.I live in Arneberg, Norway. 2. Many. I have a local walking group in my area with over 100 dogs (owners) and it is free to participate on walks every week. I also collaborate with a dogtrainer and assists in her courses. 3. I assists my dogtrainer at courses. 4. I see so many struggle with their dogs and for me to bring awerness and concrete tips to let owners be more confident and know what to do and train for, would be invaluable for so many. A lot of owners I talk to on my walks are shameful of their dog and is at their limits, so being able to show understanding, explain why and how, would ease a lot of the pain someone struggles with daily.

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